Dear Students,


Good morning!

We are already in the month of March which ushers in the Annual Exams and Board Exams. All of you, dear students, have been studying, preparing and revising the subjects taught at school. Now it is time to show, through exams, the depth of your knowledge, understanding and the assimilation of the subjects learned. I am saying all this but having in mind particularly the 12th, 11th and 10th grade students.

Today the 12th grade students have begun their exams and the 11th and 10th grade students will follow suit shortly. I know that you all have studied and understood the concepts really well. You have honestly put a lot of hard work all this time. Therefore, there is nothing to worry, for the harder you work, the luckier you get. Good things happen to those willing to put in the effort, exercise discipline and make the sacrifices that personal and professional greatness requires. I believe all of you have done all this, obviously with the help of your parents and teachers.

Dear students, maintain a study-life balance: exercise well, eat sufficiently, keep a regular sleep pattern. Be confident, think positive, trust in all the hard work you have put in. Do your best and leave the rest to God.

We are all praying for you. May God bless each and every one of you now and always! All the best!

Fr D.J. Sagayaraj SDB
Rector & Correspondent.

Dear Friends,


Christmas means so many things to us: it can go from superficial things (like relishing cakes) to meaningful things (like meeting our dear ones; recognising God in the needy people) and to very profound ones (like renewing & celebrating our faith in the Incarnation of Jesus).

God, in search of humanity, is one such profound truth of Christianity.
No wonder why we say, ‘Christmas is a tangible expression of God physically
in search of the lost humanity, the lost sheep
It is for this, Jesus projected Himself as a Good Shepherd who goes in search of the sheep that has gone astray. So, Christmas indeed is a festival of search. Right?
For example, the Wisemen from the East seeing the Star, set out on a journey in search of the Messiah. They found Him in a manger and paid their homage to Him.
The Shepherd too began their search to meet the Messiah, when the angels proclaimed the Good News to them. They were uneducated and, in their simplicity, they experienced the Divine nearness. They left their sheep and began their search to meet the Messiah.
What was the effect of their search?The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen.” (Lk. 2:20).

As you all know, during this Christmas, God is in search of us each day.
He says: “I am standing at the door, knocking.” (Rev. 3:20).
So, let us feel His divine presence and open the door for Him to come in.
Then we will hear the angels sing: “Glory to God on high and Peace on earth to all who dwell who at their heart is well.” – an outburst of Christmas joy.

In the name of our Salesian Community here, I wish every one of you: Teachers, Non-teaching Staff, Support Staff, Parents, the Past Pupils, Salesian Cooperators, Friends and Well-Wishers and dearest Students,
a Joyful Christmas &
a Grace-filled New Year 2024!

Fr D.J. Sagayaraj SDB
Rector & Correspondent.

January 2022

Dear Parents, Students and Well-Wishers,

Life on this planet is the greatest gift of God and we are privileged to occupy the highest degree of creation as humans. We have spent a number of years seeing the various changes that impact our life physically, mentally and spiritually.

At the wake of every New Year we take a resolution to gift the gift of life a whole new start. At the end of the year the big question arises. We seldom have answers to our progress.

Resolution sets the base to guide and frame our actions. It articulates our values. To begin with, do we even think of a resolution before we work on keeping it?

Resolutions help individuals work on self improvement. It cements goals and keeps everyone aligned and aiming for the same target. A solid resolution is about process that is simple, achievable and measurable. Creating a process or system can help in going all the way. In the end process will win.

So my dear friends, the time to take decisions on the best prospects and make dreams come true is possible only if one follows a decision to make it happen. Do the best and the rest will follow.

Let this year bring newness of life and the spirit to do the best in all activities.

Have a wonderful year ahead as you walk along attaining everything that you have planned.

Wishing you all a happy 2022.

God Bless.

October 2021

Dear students, Parents and friends,

The waiting was long, it almost seemed like we had moved into oblivion but somewhere down the path we had to take the U-turn and head back to where it all starts.

It is with a feeling of elation that I would like to put into words the scene of reimagining schools reopening and state so the adventure begins again…..

Students in general have transitioned successfully from offline to online classes. The writing on the wall is clear that we have graduated to the next level of learning. However a total 100% transition to online learning cannot replace normal schooling. Online learning is a value addition. Therefore, returning to school is not a choice but a necessity.

The phase wise reopening of schools gives a ray of hope to the teaching fraternity as it unfolds ample room to revive the holistic development of learners which is just not the national aim of education in India but also for us Saletian educators who have imbibed the concept of comprehensive education from Don Bosco.

Education in today’s context includes a robust programme of physical, social and emotional development. Active pursuits such as games, sports, athletics and social pursuits such as leadership, peer group camaraderie, competitions and team work contribute to a child growing up into a happy, healthy, strong and balanced individual which can happen only in school.

Another reason to return to school is that most subjects require some hands-on learning. Few subjects are better taught in the real class room with the teacher demonstrating and closely guiding the learning process. There is no doubt that virtual learning is backed with a range of IT tools that provide a simulated learning experience of a science laboratory etc. however, it is not an appropriate substitute for experiential learning. In this context, subjects that are application based are best taught when students are physically present in school.

Altogether it’s quite evident that these factors make for a compelling narrative for us to start recreating the return of our children to the glorious days of school.

Besides academic and other resources, physical presence in school roots the relationship between a student and teacher. It is evident that teachers have gone beyond their call of duty to keep themselves connected. They have responded to their students’ needs with compassion and extra efforts that reinforce the value attached to their action. The best a student can get from a school is to meet great teachers who can teach them the art of living, by the way they live, by the way they relate and by the loving attention they give to students. The capacity to initiate, experiment and innovate has been unleashed completely during the pandemic, thus enabling them assume their role as knowledge facilitators and pedagogic guides.

Therefore, it’s a great welcome move that students returning to school will once again enable them bond with their teachers and pick up from where they left.

Let’s leapfrog from education’s newfound support and move ahead.

Prayers and warm regards.

Rector & Principal

Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius SDB

Dear students and friends,

Greetings to one and all as we prepare and gear up to carry on the great tradition of learning at the highest levels of rigor, meaning and determination.

” The Only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today “

– Franklin D. Roosevelt

I came across this amazing quote when I was browsing the internet for some information. I stopped to ponder over it for a while and realized how relevant it is for all of us.

The current situation has pushed us into a lot of insecurities that will limit our realization and affect the way we think tomorrow. All the opportunities that await us are being put aside because of these insecurities. We have to believe in ourselves, our visions, dreams and move ahead with faith, without waiting for everything to be perfect. If we let doubt and negativity crawl into us it might severely cripple our ability to move forward. With each step that we take and every challenge that we face we become stronger, wiser, confident and more successful.

This is a lifelong exercise that can be unbelievably exciting if only we wish to jump onto the train of learning and make trips to different destinations.

Let us together in one voice rise out of the clutter of yesterday find hope for today, for in the middle of a difficult tomorrow lies opportunity.

The 2021 – 2022 theme is ‘GO ALL THE WAY ‘.

Continue to stay safe and healthy.

All the very best and God bless you.

Warm regards.
Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius sdb
Rector and Correspondent.


STEPPING INTO 2021, keep your faith, spirits and determination undeterred and you shall walk the glory road.

Dear Bedean families,

As we stand at the threshold of 2021, waiting for the curtain to come down and open again to unveil the stage for 2021, we are all called to be players on a stage with many entrances and exits.

The experience of going through ‘2020’ was no doubt a rough patch, a chapter in our lives that opened a Pandora’s box but as we close one chapter and begin a new one it’s time to give thanks for all the hurdles and difficult times we have overcome. Both individually and as a community, we have explored, learnt, experimented, adapted and changed for the better. Now, more than ever we must continue to work together though we may face a myriad of challenges.

Our positive interventions and guidance will continue supporting students’ safety, social, emotional and behavioral needs in the course of addressing and fulfilling the academic plan.

May God grant one and all blessings of good health, joy and success for the future.

Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Happy New Year 2021!

Rector & Principal

Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius SDB


Dear Friends,

Remembering our past is extremely important. But building the future has taken a set back as COVID-19 is impacting almost every sector of the economy. The education sector is no exception.

An empty classroom due to COVID-19 was the scene a few months back. Thanks to technology that has made us leave no stone unturned in bridging the gap that was caused by the pandemic.

The new academic year that started in June 2020 was just not a new beginning but a dramatic turning point as the real class has been taken over by the virtual class.

We as educators who follow Don Bosco’s vision of education strongly believe that Don Bosco institutions impart holistic education that works through students’ imitation of the teacher whose words and actions nurture young people to see, know and desire the way, the truth and the life.

A virtual invasion of our schooling system will not make us draw a compromise on modeling our youngsters in Don Bosco’s way of meeting students where they are, seeking them and knowing them to unlock the fullness of education.

However our system of observation and monitoring online classes tells us that students have also been able to adapt themselves to e-learning, e-testing and interacting with teachers on a one-to-one basis. In order to maximize and ensure optimal benefits reach the students, the daily online schedule is carefully patterned with required portion coverage, activities, assignments, writing of classwork notes, special classes and giving values that we strongly believe can mould and build a good person.

Everyday is a day of learning. Every student can learn just not on the same day or in the same way. Let’s embrace the new experience of learning and keep learning.

Prayers and Blessings to one and all.

Rector & Principal

Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius SDB


Dear Student….

Let me begin by saying ‘It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos ‘

During these uncertain times with school closures and significant shifts away from normal routines there is a growing concern about the impact on students’ academic journeys. Given this crucial time that has ensnared each and everyone just not at home but globally to the challenge posed by the pandemic COVID-19,

I want to encourage students together with the support of their parents to remember the big picture.

This is a time to focus on and be grateful for your family’s safety, health and well being. I encourage you to broaden your definition of learning and focus on playtime and family time. Most of all follow the guide lines and stay at home. Use this time at home to support, strengthen, and improvise yourself and various skills. A daily routine can include the following …

  • Reading
  • Updating oneself on Current Affairs
  • Vocabulary Building
  • Handwriting Practice
  • Online Courses
  • Solving Math and Grammar Worksheets
  • Drawing
  • Involving in Daily Chores
  • Exercise
  • Indoor Games
  • Mediation and Prayer

Let the screen time be maintained to a reasonable extent. Try to strike a balance with non-screen activities as much as possible for which you can plan your day with suggestions given above …I hope this entire ‘STAY HOME ‘ experience will enable you enrich your academic, social, and emotional skills that will prepare you return to your class room and help you thrive in school…

Try to embrace and enjoy this family time and stay healthy.

Rector & Principal

Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius SDB


Dear all,

Every New Year is a time to retrospect on achievement, embrace fond memories, leave behind regrets and tred towards bigger goals and bright horizons.

May this 2020 unfold abundant joy, peace, radiance and victory to all our dear students and bring broad smiles on the face of every proud parent of this institution.

Let us together with patience, priority and perseverance make this year a success.

A very happy, divine, jubilant and meaningful 2020 from the Principal’s desk.


Rev. Fr. Stanley Ignatius,SDB

Rector & Correspondent

Term – II (2019-20)

Dear Friends,

As I was pondering about how to convey what was in my mind and I stumbled upon this wonderful good old narration about “The Chinese Bamboo” that drives my point home. I would like to share with you what is in my mind. Let’s begin.

The Chinese bamboo is a unique species whose seed does not sprout like other seeds, in a matter of few days or weeks. This particular seed takes a longer time to germinate.

Farmers dig holes in the ground, and plant its seed in rows and mark all the spots where they plant the seed. It is important to do so because they need to water the spot, fertilize it and tend the soil, without seeing any sign of growth for days, weeks and years.

All they have is their hope and belief that their labour will bear fruit one day. Their faith is vindicated when in the fifth year something amazing happens.

The seed that showed no sign of growth, suddenly sprouts, and begins to grow with a enormous growth. It grows to nearly four feet a day sometimes and touches a height of 90 feet in just 6 weeks.

So, I was wondering what was the plant doing all these five years when there was no sign of outward growth? It’s the natural law that tells us that whatever is put under the earth, it decays. But these seeds are under the earth for five years and yet they sprout after five years.

It’s miraculous to know that it was spreading out its roots far and wide and building a strong root system, preparing itself for the phenomenal growth it would have in its fifth year.

I know you are amazed at this unusual natural phenomenon yet this is very much fitting for our children too.

Every child is like a seed full of life.

When a child is planted in the school ambience, Parents need to understand that every child takes its own time to bloom.

Every child is wrapped with the precious gift within and they unwrap themselves at various times.

As Parents and Educators, we need to wait with Joy and Optimism that our children will bloom someday having deep roots in faith and morals so that they mould themselves as “good human persons and honest citizens”

Let us continue the great mission of creating the ambience for our children to bloom through our kind words, understanding, appreciation, respect and all that we do to make them bloom.

Remember! The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.

Let’s accompany our children through the second term with little more understanding and patience.

Rector & Principal

Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius SDB


Dear all,

“If Monday had a face, I would punch it.”

That’s the expression of a little boy coming to school after a weekend. I was sweetly puzzled and rather taken aback by the hard and honest fact of youngsters about work. They all look for a short or long vacation. As I write this message to you, we are entering into a long vacation. Don Bosco said that holiday is nothing but a change of occupation or ambience or atmosphere. For us, the learning never stops, it continues in a new atmosphere called ‘vacation’. In continuation of this thought, I would like to bring to your attention what Japan has planned this year for their school kids.

Quoting an article from Telegraph for your perusal:

More than 500,000 Japanese children between the ages of 12 and 18 are believed to be addicted to the internet, the ministry of education here says. “We want to get them out of the virtual world and to encourage them to have real communication with other children and adults.“The ministry is proposing to hold “Internet fasting” camps at outdoor learning centres and other public facilities where children will have no access to the Internet. The youngsters will be encouraged to take part in outdoor activities, team sports and games, with psychiatrists and clinical psychotherapists on hand to provide counseling.

When I read this article, I felt as though I was reading some science fiction. But it’s happening right now in this world where children are caught in the web of technological advancement and glued to the screens of digital gadgets. As parents and educators, it’s our prerogative to put our children through the Digital Detox process. (We are not very far from Japan)

How can we go about doing this?

‘Limiting Screen Time’

That’s the solution. Screen time is the time you spend watching TV or DVDs, using computers, playing video or hand-held computer games, using tablets or smart phones.

Screen time can be:

  • interactive – playing video games, communicating via Skype, or using online tools to draw pictures
  • non interactive – sitting still and watching movies, TV programmes or YouTube videos
  • educational – doing math homework online
  • recreational – playing games or watching videos for fun

(Unfortunately non interactive and recreational takes the majority)

Looking at a screen intensely causes sore, irritated and dry eyes, headaches, fatigue, makes your child’s neck and spine uncomfortable. Being inactive for long periods using a screen leads to a less active lifestyle, which leads to obesity. Too much screen time curtails children’s language development, social skills, speaking skills, eye contact and attention in school. Children can copy or be influenced by negative behavior (PUBG, MOMO, BLUE WHALE), stereotypical representations of gender, violent imagery or coarse language they see in advertising and other media.

Child development experts recommend limiting children’s daily screen time for your child’s wellbeing, learning and development.

  1. As Parents, children should have consistent limits on the time they spend on electronic media and the types of media they use.
  2. Screen time limits ensure healthy childhood – with and without screens.
  3. Limits mean keeping a check on the time your child spends on screens making sure it doesn’t disturb their sleep and activities good for their development.

I, hereby insist that children involve themselves in developmental activities like physical play, reading, creative play like drawing and social time with family and friends. Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings you happiness. May it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.


Rev. Fr. Stanley Ignatius SDB

Rector & Correspondent, Principal


Dear Friends,

Wish you a Happy and Grace filled New Year.

New Year is about change. And it’s definitely not about changing others. It’s an opportunity for each one of us to change ourselves little better every year.

Most often, we have words in surplus but meaningless. But imagine, if we start losing one day of our life for each meaningless word we utter, how short our lives will be.

In the coming year,

SPEAK in such a way that others love to listen to you.

And more importantly,

LISTEN in such a way that others love to speak to you.

We all think that we live only once but the truth is that we all die only once but live every moment of our lives. Live every moment to make your life meaningful. Do and say things that make you and your life meaningful to you and others. That’s how we find the purpose of our lives.

If we look for perfections in our lives,

a perfect husband

an ideal wife

obedient children

peaceful neighbours

understanding boss

talented staff

noble friends

We will never be happy in our life. Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect in our lives but it means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Accept what is

Let go off what was

And have faith in what will be.

No matter how hard and bad the past was, you can always begin again.

Live in the moment

Create meaningful connections / Limit social media

Focus on the positive

Be generous

Practice random kindness

Choose to be happy

Give more compliments

Merry everything and be happy always!

Rector & Principal

Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius SDB


Dear Friends,

Albert’s father was an extremely important and busy man who worked so many hours that he often had to work whole weekends. One Sunday, Albert woke early and, hearing his Dad opening the front door to go to his office, Albert ran to ask him some questions:

-“Why do you have to go to work today, Daddy? We could play …”

-“I can’t. I have some very important matters to see to.

-“And why are they so important, Daddy?”

-“Well, because the company will make a lot of money, and it’s possible they’ll promote me.”

-“And why do you want them to promote you?”

-“Well, to have a better job and earn more money.

-“And why do you need to earn more money?”

-“Well, to be able to have a bigger and better house, and we’ll be more comfortable and we’ll be able to do more things.”

Albert thought for a while, then smiled.

-“Will we be able to do more things together? Great! Then go quickly.

I will wait the remaining years before we have a bigger house.”

On hearing this, Albert’s father closed the front door, without leaving.

Albert was growing up very fast, and his father knew he couldn’t wait for so long. So he took off his jacket, left his computer and his reports, and sat with Albert to play with him.

Albert, who was as surprised as he was delighted, said:

“Yes, I think the promotion and the new house can wait for a few years.”

When I meet parents, most oft-repeated complaint is that they are too busy to spend time with their children. I feel that we are misconceiving the notion of busyness with being productive. If we don’t plan our time to be with our children, then Blue Whales, Momos, Clash of clans and PUBGs (Player Unknown’s Battle Ground) are there out in the social network prowling round like a hungry lion to devour your children. It’s the right time and high time that we are awake from the Maya of busyness and wake up to the reality. Be focused and be productive. Productivity is much more elegant and authentic.

Everytime we say ‘I don’t have time’, we actually mean ‘That’s not my priority’. So have your intentions clear and set goals in business as well as family and go about achieving it.

Happiness breeds productivity.

Tomorrow is too late

Yesterday is over

And NOW is exactly the right moment,


Rector & Principal

Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius SDB

1st June 2018

Dear Parents,

Is there anyone teaching our kids HOW TO FACE SUCCESS or FAILURE in life?

Our children are to be taught the consequences of SUCCESS and FAILURE.

Our children need to know that success is only momentary and if they really want to be successful, they need to be constantly dissatisfied with their success and move from GOOD to BETTER and then towards BEST.

Our children should realize that they can’t bask in the glory of the past.

If Success is so critical, imagine how much more we need to prepare our children for FAILURE. We need to make our children realize that SUCCESS and FAILURE are not opposites but two outcomes of the same process

There is WISDOM in both and we need to prepare our children to Fail successfully.

I would like to quote the inspirational words of John C. Maxwell, the great inspirational author.


The only way to make failure useful is to learn from it.

Rise above any resistance you may meet at the course of your dream. Keep your eyes on your dreams. Life tests the big dreamers – the passionate revolutionaries. Succeed; then move from Good to Best.

Let’s fail forward and learn wisdom out of it and reach our dreams.

May I take this opportunity to wish all of you a wonderful start in the upcoming academic year irrespective of the outcomes, SUCCESS or FAILURE and grasp the available opportunities.

Rector & Principal

Fr. Stanley Lawrence Ignatius SDB

January 2018

Dear Friends,

Wish you a very happy & grace filled New Year. May Joy & Success be yours all through this year.

If you ask most people what is their one major objective in life, they would probably give you a vague answer, such as, “I want to be successful, be happy, make a good living,” and that is it. They are all wishes and none of them are clear Goals.

Goals must be SMART:

S — specific. For example, “I want to lose weight.” This is wishful thinking. It becomes a goal when I pin myself down to “I will lose 10 pounds in 90 days.”

M — must be measurable. If we cannot measure it, we cannot accomplish it. Measurement is a way of monitoring our progress.

A — must be achievabl. Achievable means that it should be out of reach enough to be challenging but it should not be out of sight, otherwise it becomes disheartening.

R — realistic. A person who wants to lose 50 pounds in~30 days is being unrealistic.

T — time-bound. There should be a starting date and a finishing date.

All the very best & God bless you….

God bless St. Bede’s Anglo Indian

Happy Parenting! Happy Childhood!

Rev. Fr. Stanley Ignatius,SDB

Rector & Correspondent